Lot - 016-0513-2533-232
Condominium Unit 311 in Jellystone Park at 311 Campfire Blvd, Fort Atkinson, WI
NOTE: Jellystone Park Condominium Association has the First Right of Refusal on all Jellystone units. Jellystone has the right to purchase this unit within 30 days of the high bid and bidder being determined. Auction high bidder must make payment within 7 days of seller approval AND Jellystone's decision NOT to purchase.Address: 311 Campfire Blvd, Fort Atkinson, WI 53538County Information: Jefferson County Mapping and Jefferson County Land Records Municipality: Town of Koshkonong Parcel #: 016-0513-2533-232 Opening Bid: $1,777.30Acres: See Mapping Lot Dimensions: See Mapping - Approx 50' x 60' Zoning: Contact Jellystone Park Condominium Association and county and local zoning agencies for exact zoning, regulations and allowed uses. Bidders are warned not to assume you can build, change use or continue current use without researching with zoning agencies first. Property is sold in it's current state and use any future uses are not implied or guaranteed. Type of Access to Property: Public Roadway AccessSchool District: School District of Wisconsin Rapids Structures On Property: None - The sale includes the transfer of real property only; the mobile home/camper on the lot is personal property. The Successful Bidder is responsible for legally disposing of and/or obtaining title to any remaining personal property. This property is subject to a recorded Right of First Refusal held by Jellystone Park Condominium Association. Pursuant to the terms of the Right of First Refusal, after receipt of bids, the Condominium Association will have 30 days to re-purchase the property for the high bid amount.Property Vacant: Property may or may not be occupied. Jefferson County does not know property occupancy status. Jefferson County has taken title to the property but does not warranty occupancy. If property is occupied, it is the buyer’s responsibility to legally remove/evict occupant(s) using proper eviction procedures and timelines. All eviction costs are the buyer’s responsibility. The property is sold AS IS, HOW IS, WHERE IS, occupied or not. Notice: Property may be occupied and, if so, you may not be granted access by occupant(s). Property Clear of previous owner’s personal property: No (Mobile Home/Camper) - This auction does not include any personal property. If personal property remains, it is the buyer's responsibility to determine and address ownership issues and to arrange for appropriate and legal disposition of personal property. Legal Description: Unit 311 in Jellystone Park condominium, being a condominium created under the Condominium Ownership Act of the State of Wisconsin by a “Declaration of Condominium for Jellystone Park Condominium Resort of Fort Atkinson Condominium; dated the 7th day of March 1983 in Volume 628 of Records on Pages 843 through 879, as Document No. 787800 and by a Condominium Plat therefor. AND AS AMENDED in Volume 632 of Records on Page 967, as Document No. 790523. AND AS AMENDED in Volume 639 of Records on Page 776, as Document No. 794791. AND AS AMENDED in Volume 651 of Records on Page 76, as Document No. 801709. Any Amendments thereto, recorded and unrecorded hereafter. And an undivided interest into the Common Area.Said lands lying and being in the Town of Koshkonong, Jefferson County, Wisconsin.Title Type: Jefferson County will convey the property to the purchaser by Quit Claim Deed. No Warranty. Jefferson County obtained property by Tax Deed and has not occupied/used the property. The Buyer is responsible for obtaining title insurance if desired. Deed Transfer Fee: $30 recording fee to be paid by Buyer. Jefferson County will submit the Quit Claim Deed to the Jefferson County Register of Deeds for recording. Title Transfer Terms: Jefferson County will convey property to purchaser by Quit Claim Deed after full payment of successful bid and approval from the Seller. A Quit Claim Deed passes any title, interest, or claim which the grantor may have in the real estate, but does not profess that such title is valid, nor does it contain any warranty or guaranty of title. No abstract of title, title insurance, or survey will be provided by Jefferson County to purchaser. Property is sold AS IS, HOW IS, AND WHERE IS. Clear Title: Jefferson County does not provide an abstract of title for the property, title insurance, survey, or any similar information about the status of title to the property. Jefferson County does not make any representations about the condition of title to the property and specifically does not warrant or guarantee clear title. The winning bidder is responsible for recording fees as well as the cost of any title search, title opinion, and/or legal opinion the bidder chooses to obtain about the property. Bidders are encouraged to research the property title. Estimated Yearly Taxes: $66 - Buyer responsible for current year taxes, if any, and all future real estate taxes. Defects: The bidder is solely responsible to investigate, inspect, and to determine whether the property has defects of any type, including both visible and hidden defects. It is the bidder’s responsibility to research information about the property provided in the Real Estate Listing Worksheet. Defects can involve more than the property’s physical condition. Defects may also involve accuracy of measurements and dimensions, boundary line issues including encroachments, access issues, easement, zoning, and other issues affecting permitted uses of the property. Jefferson County makes no representation or statements as to whether the property has any defects. The property is being sold AS IS, HOW IS, and WHERE IS. Bidders are encouraged to inspect the property in person before bidding. Overall Condition: The property is being sold AS IS, HOW IS, and WHERE IS. Bidders are encouraged to contact the municipality (city, town, or village) where the property is located to find out if any municipality or municipal agency has issued noncompliance notices, orders, or other communications involving the property that may impact the ability to use/occupy the property. The property is subject to all easements, rights-of-way, use limitations, restrictive covenants, applicable zoning provisions, and other restrictions of record, if any. Jefferson County does not make any warranty, representation or guarantee with respect to the use, condition, title, access, or occupancy of the property. Pursuant to Section 75.521, Wisconsin Statutes, title to the property described below has been granted to Jefferson County for nonpayment of delinquent property taxes. The property will be sold in accordance with section 75.69, Wis. Stats., and the Jefferson County Real Estate Tax Foreclosure Policy at public sale under sealed bid. No abstract or title insurance will be furnished. Conveyance shall be by quit claim deed. Jefferson County does not warrant the condition of the property or any structures located on the property. Bidder is responsible for inspecting the property prior to sale, reviewing applicable zoning restrictions, and accepts the property “AS IS.”County Contacts: Sarana Stolar, Paralegal at 920-674-7135 or saranas@jeffersoncountywi.gov - 311 S Center Ave, Jefferson WI 53549 - Fax: 920-674-7399Inspections: On your own from the public roadway during daylight hours.